ICA 2019: Peutz Consult trägt beim diesjährigen 23. internationalen Akustikkongress in Aachen mit einem Vortag bei:
"Multidimensional Visual Cluster Analysis of Room Acoustical /
Parameter Values as Means to gain Scientific Insights and Design / Consulting Tool"
Klaus-Hendrik Lorenz-Kierakiewitza, Benjamin Pfändner (a) Christoph Reuter (b) and Stefan Ostrowski (c)
(a) Peutz Consult GmbH, (b) Institute of Musicology, University of Vienna, (c) admost Ostrowski
At the conference DAGA 2017, a method of multidimensional visual analysis of basic room acoustical parameter values RTMid, strenght GMid and volume V was presented. Using this method, it is possible to demonstrate, that different room types as e.g. concert, opera or chamber music halls shape separate clusters in partial volumes of the space spanned by the acoustical parameters. For concert and opera halls it has been shown that halls rated regarding the acoustical quality as "good" are localized in narrow partial volumes within the centers of the room type clusters. At the DAGA2018, this approach was extended by further room types and by comparisons of the spatial positions of several halls before and after renovations.
In this contribution, the benefit of this analysis method will be shown as a valuable tool to obtain new scientific insights as well as a helpful planning tool: For the room type "concert hall" the historical development is analyzed from the first examples to the 21st century yielding characteristical trajectories across the parameter spaces clarifying the evolutionary trends as well as geographical differences. The immediate advantage of the method described as consulting and design tool will be demonstrated by application to orchestral rehearsal rooms.